Friday, October 26, 2012

Family all around

I live in a cul-de-sac with some pretty awesome neighbors.  Two doors down from us are Grandpa Al and Mama Mary.  I already have two amazing moms and, well, you could call Grandpa Al and Mama Mary my other mom and dad.  Mama Mary will call me and tell me to shut my garage door, if it's late and she knows I'm home alone with the kids.  I go over to borrow a cup of sugar, or send my kids to deliver stuff to her.   Mama Mary comes over when she needs stuff too.  Oh, and the other day, she had Grandpa Al deliver me a glass of wine.  They are awesome.

Today, Grandpa Al and Mama Mary took me to a local coffee shop and introduced me to the owner.  We sat down together, chatted, laughed, and I gave the owner a box of SweetPotatoMayas.  She was going to try the SweetPotatoMayas herself, share them with her staff, and give them to some of her regular customers.  We agreed that I would bring her another box on Sunday, and she would try to sell them and see how they go.     

We kept the meeting short, because of course, her coffee shop's slammed.  She hugged Grandpa Al and Mama Mary goodbye, and I thanked her for meeting with me.  Grandpa Al and Mama Mary are huggers, and so am I.  I steal a kiss or two from Mama Mary whenever I can.  I wanted to hug the owner lady too, but I thought that might scare her off.  So I didn't.

Meeting a local coffee shop owner lady, with my two fabulous mom and pop neighbors.  Not a bad day at all.  Thank you Grandpa Al and Mama Mary - I love you!  


  1. Maya-san,
    Yes, I remember Mama Mary at the garage sale we did. She has warm, welcoming atmosphere and I just enjoyed hugging her at the first moment!
    Great neighbors!

    I just have to tell you that I just had a dream of you hosting a party inviting friends and family. White table cover with a lots of flower on each table. Celebrating for something and you were greeting everyone at the party. It was wonderful dream. Celebration will come soon!

    1. Ohhh yay! Thanks Yuko-san, don't you just love her hugs? :)
      And wow...I love that dream. Sounds beautiful!!!
