Sunday, April 14, 2013

Race for the Roses

Well, we did it.  We actually made it through!  SweetPotatoMayas' very first run.  In true Portland fashion, it was very cold, grey, and drizzly this morning.  But, wouldn't you know it - running with a bunch of people who are all there for a good cause, makes things super exciting and uplifting :)

And wow - hundreds of volunteers working the event and cheering on the runners.  They are amazing too!!  Thank you Race for the Roses, - an awesome event for a very important cause that touches so many lives.

p.s.  Running is for Crazy People explains how I got here :)


  1. I'll just sit back and enjoy the huffin', puffin' and sweat from here. hahaha

    1. Huffin', puffin', and sweat - it was that for sure! :)

  2. Congratulations and well done! I admire your accomplishment! I've always loved walking, but could never run without great physical distress and loathing. :-) I tried to look you up on the results list, but didn't see Sweet Potato Mayas listed. You must have used an alias. ;-)

    Don't you think that "Huffin', Puffin,' & Sweat - Attorneys at Law" would be a great name for a law firm?? LOL

    1. Are you the sweetest gal to look me up or what!? Nah, I don't have an alias or anything, I'm in there as 'Maya Maldarelli' :) When I registered they required my full name. And I entered 'SweetPotatoMayas' as the team name, but they must have not given me that since uh...I was a team of 1. Hey, I tried! I am no superstar with the running thing...just happy to keep moving, and get to do it for charity too! Thank you SO much for cheering me on, I really do appreciate it. It means a lot. I'll keep going!!!

      p.s. I started a pinterest thing too, and went looking for you and found you!! I hope it was okay :) I love all your beautiful photos!!

    2. Whatever your finishing time was, the fact you could run that distance makes you a superstar in MY eyes! I've never run further than the mile and a half the USAF used to require of me. And as soon as I was no longer under their control, I stopped running altogether. I have a future post planned about a marathoner that I think you're going to love. I'm hoping I can find some photos from several years ago that will help illustrate a point I plan to make about how in awe I am of people who can run those distances, which is that I wouldn't run if I were being chased by wolves, finding it far easier to simply befriend the wolves than to run!! :-)

      So I see you married an Italian - my mother is a Possenti. :-) Your name is so beautiful, it sounds like a movie star name (and you said you're no superstar.) :-)

      I wondered if that was you on Pinterest, but I actually didn't think your name was really Maya! :-) And I'm thrilled you found me, of course it's okay! :-) I'm glad you're enjoying so many of my pins! I'm envious of some of the photography on display, and wanting even more than usual to visit some of the places I'm seeing.

    3. Please forgive me for falling behind on responding! You were in the USAF!!! Well then there is no doubt you are a hard-ass. I couldn't survive a day! And your passion and drive for health, good food, nature and animals shows through in your blog work - it all makes sense to me now. So inspiring! I'm looking forward to the marathoner's post too :)

      With my temp job - which I'm loving and very thankful to have - has taken some time away from my SPMs and blogging...but, I plan to resume when the temp position ends! In the meantime... for a little mind candy I was checking out your 'LOL' section Pinterest. I was dying!! I could have repinned ALL, but that seemed creepy and I don't know the pinterest 'etiquette' so... :) But thank you for a good laugh!!!

      Possenti is BEAUTIFUL!! I absolutely love it. Sounds like a name of a classical composer. :) Yes, my late father-in-law (whom I never got to meet) was from an Italian family in NY. My mother-in-law, an Irish! Scandalous :)

      Well, please take care, and keep those wonderful photos and posts coming! Best wishes to you and your loved ones!
