Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hello there!  It's been a while since I've posted anything.  SweetPotatoMayas has definitely taken a backseat since I took this temp job.  Friday is my last day - I've loved the job, and I'd like to blog more about that at a later time :)

And I am also, very excited to get back to making my SweetPotatoMayas.  I've really missed it.

The latest with that, is...I cut out the granulated sugar.  Completely.  I just sort of closed my eyes, and forged on with the baking without using any granulated sugar.   Then, I gave it to my Mother-in-law without telling her anything.

She did notice the difference, and actually liked it better!

AND, it lowered the carbs by 5g, and the sugars by 3g.  And 20 less calories.  With SweetPotatoMayas, it seems, you can have your cake and eat it too.

Good stuff, eh?  So here's to more happy foods, and I hope everyone's doing well.  And as always, thank you for popping by and reading :)


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed your temp job so much, and I'm sure tomorrow will be filled with mixed emotions since you'll miss it, but it'll be nice to have the time for the other things you've missed, too. And maybe you can do the temp job again next fall or next year!

    And yay for you for experimenting with your recipe to make it healthier! It does take courage (I find it does, anyway - some cooks are fearless!) to mess about with a recipe, especially a treasured one like yours. Did you eliminate the sugar altogether and just let the sweetness of the sweet potatoes shine through, or did you find an alternative sweetener that's less processed?

    I have to admit it, I'd love to see you find a replacement for the butter, too. It would make your Sweet Potato Mayas accessible to vegans and people with lactose intolerance, be kind to dairy cows (and their babies), and be less likely to go rancid should you start shipping them again. And while it might not reduce the fat, it would make them healthier. I usually use unsweetened applesauce as a fat replacer in recipes, but I'm not sure it would work for your mayas (I'm thinking it's primarily in the crumbly top, which you want to be crunchy?) So maybe Earth Balance Baking Sticks would be good, or coconut oil, which is all the rage these days! (I found this recipe this morning, which made me think of you and your mayas!) I admit, we eat a diet free of all added fats, so I don't use Earth Balance or coconut oil anymore, but plenty of people really like the results in their baking. And if I lived close enough and you needed a taste-tester, I'd volunteer! (I temporarily waived my "no-added-fat" policy last year to be a tester for my friend Robyn's vegan cupcakes she made for her daughter's wedding reception - hey, what are friends for? :-) And they were delicious and it was definitely as fun as it was fattening! LOL)

    Anyway, just a thought that I hope you don't mind me sharing! :-) Have a wonderful last day tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be mightily missed!!

    1. LOL, I'm really glad you said you enjoy my long comments. :-D

    2. hee hee :) I do, and am so thankful for your long comments! LIKE, the butter alternative suggestion(awesome). I am all over that Earth Balance or coconut oil action! Can't wait to give it a try! Thank you! Healthier, AND widens my market...? Uh, I think someone told me that would be 'feeding two birds with one scone' :-)

      I did eliminate the sugar all together - letting the sweet potato do it's natural thang :) Kicking myself for not doing it sooner!

      And thank you so much for the sweet remarks regarding tomorrow :) I really appreciate it...I am going to miss those little rascals!

    3. Hooray for you, Maya, can't wait to hear the results of the butter replacements! I think you'll be pleased! And goodness me, what totally awesome person told you that wonderful phrase about the birds and scone?? LOL (I think I first heard that from Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, whom you would love...)

      As for the sugar, hey, better late than never! I have more "slow dawns" than I care to admit, but as long as the lightbulb comes on eventually, I try to be happy about that. :-)

      Thinking of you today!!

  2. Cooking by mom's side as a kid was great fun. Now? It's just gogogogogo.

    1. So true. I have fond memories of baking/cooking with my mom - even burning myself on the frying pan :-) Trying my best to have those moments with my daughters as much as possible. Not the burning part, though!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Bob. I do love cooking :-) And eating too!
