Thursday, October 18, 2012

...and the judge approves!!

I can't come up with the appropriate words for these shots!  But more importantly...thank you to my friend who took it, AND for letting me give her baby girl some SweetPotatoMayas :)  


  1. Ohhhh you uploaded the photo~~! Yes!!! That was our happiest moment of the day! So cuuuute!!!
    Of course, she approved. and we, moms, approved,too. It's nostalgic, bringing back memories of our childhood for every bite. You know, I'm glad I can share my childhood story and yummy treat with my kids when we eat SweetPotatoMayas together.

    1. Thank you so much for including SweetPotatoMayas in our luncheon :) I am just so honored... And couldn't be happier that it's a super healthy snack/meal for babies and kiddos. I can't stop smiling, every time I see this photo!!

  2. Your sweet potato pies were such a special treat for us. I love them and was not surprised at all that baby loved them too! :) SweetPotatoMayas are now going to be my family's #1 dessert and snack food for sure :)

    1. Oh my goodness I LOVE how this girl just went for it with her hands!!! That is the best. And feeling all warm and fuzzy that the pies made you happy :) Thank you!!
