Saturday, August 17, 2013

I was chopping pecans this morning, in preparation for another batch of SPM's, and I noticed I was getting low on brown sugar and pecans.  I thought to myself, 'oh, I better ask Boo or Memo (fake names - if you couldn't already tell) to pick me up some more brown sugar and pecans at Costco.'

See, I don't have a Costco card.  I'm starting to feel the peer pressure of needing to get one, especially being a small baking business owner and everything.   I know it would totally make sense to have one. But that place kinda scares me.  In many different levels.  But that's another post.

Anywho...  While I was thinking about sending in another request for a Costco run, it occurred to me, that I am extremely lucky to have Boo and Memo, my two moms.  No, I don't have gay moms.  Although, that would be super cool to have gay moms.  Mine are not.  But they are still really cool.  Boo (I'm keeping their identities secret for their own safety.  It's much cooler that way.  And when you're running a business and it gets big  - because I'm certain it's going to - and if someone gets mad at your pies they can't come after your moms) is the mom who grew me and pushed me out.  Every once in a while the subject comes up, and she makes a point to tell me how much she enjoyed being pregnant and how easy I was to push out.  On a pile of newspapers.  In a doctor's home/make-shift office with one naked light bulb dangling from the ceiling, way out in the boonies on the very Northern Island of Japan.   Memo is the free extra gift that came along with that thing I decided to invest in, called marriage.  She's come in quite handy, in that, she helps me with my kids, and is always around to do stuff with.  A really fabulous extra bonus I got out of the marriage.  So I have Boo and Memo, always in the wings, ready and willing to go to that place Costco for me.   I am so lucky :)

Oh, and Boo or Memo?  May I ask for some more brown sugar and pecans, next time you're at Costco?  Thank you~  oxoxox!


  1. Oh my lord. That was hilarious! It's nice to know you're "easy to push out."
    And I know the love hate Costco dilemma...
