Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Faces

I delivered an order today, to a local Elementary School.  One hundred  SweetPotatoMayas to be exact, for the first grader's Fall Harvest Party!

There are no words to describe how honored I feel, that the staff chose to spend their limited budget (one party per year) on serving SweetPotatoMayas to their kids - despite the fact that they could have easily gone with 'satisfaction guaranteed' choices, such as frosted cookies or cupcakes from Costco.

Thanks guys!  For giving SweetPotatoMayas a try...and for these wonderful shots!!!  Pictures speak a thousands words...so I'll shut up now.


  1. I love the photos! These tell a lot!
    They are so cuuuuute!!!
    Better energy for kiddos. I love that.
    I wish my daughter's class had SPM,too.

    1. Ya~y thank you!! They ARE so cute, aren't they :)

  2. Another batch of satisfied customers :)
