Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Friday SweetPotatoMaya friends.  I don't have anything really profound to share today.  I know, I know.  You are totally disappointed!

I've noticed that the last few days, I've received many comments and encouraging words.  And kind people have left sweet comments in places I can't really respond in.   So I wanted to say 'Thank you!!  I see it, I feel the love, and I really appreciate it!' 

There are some terrible colds and viruses going around.  My niece has been very sick with a temp of 104,  and the Mr. was missing 10 kids from his classroom this week.  So please be careful, and take care!  Lots of fluids, good food, and rest.

Getting off my soap box now :)


  1. I hope your niece and everybody gets better! :) And I hope you are well :)

    1. Thank you so much for the well-wishes :) I don't know if the bug is reaching across the ocean, and I certainly hope not, but you take care too!

  2. I just got over the flu last week so I'll join you up on that soapbox and say "Take care everyone. The flu that's going around is a doozy!" I hope your niece is feeling better soon. Have a great weekend! - Sarah Marie

    1. I'm so glad you joined me. It was beginning to feel a bit lonely on my soapbox... :)

  3. How nice to "meet" you! Loved your comment on my blog (which I'll reply to soon!)

    I can also testify that the bug going around is a merciless thug. I caught it earlier than most - in mid-December. I rarely get sick, but it found me and threw a wild frat party in my respiratory system. So I also second your advice, and hope your niece recovers quickly and that the rest of your family avoids it (like the plague that it is!)

    By the way, I'm totally enchanted with the idea of the sweet potato trucks of your childhood!! What a wonderful idea! We LOVE baked sweet potatoes (only we usually buy what are called organic garnet yams - Americans get pretty confused over the whole sweet potato/yam concept). I didn't learn to appreciate sweet potatoes till adulthood. My mother never made them, and the only times I ever experienced them was in the form of candied yams, with their nasty marshmallows. :-) But now I've learned to love them in soups and stews and chilis and veggie burgers, roasted and baked and, back when I was still eating oil, fried in tempura batter. Yum! In fact, I have a recipe for roasted sweet potatoes I plan to post one of these days, as soon as I'm satisfied with my photos of them! :-)

    Happy February, and have a great weekend!

    1. I am so sorry you were sick too...although, I loved your description of the 'merciless thugs' :) Thank YOU for the comments, and for visiting! I had to giggle because, I didn't know of yams until I moved to the States, and was completely confused by them too! I can't wait to see your roasted sweet potato recipe and pics :) Take care!
