Today I got to do something unusual and fun. I hope you don't mind me sharing. I was making a delivery to a first time customer, Beverly Morlan, owner of the
Bizee Bird Store. I was delivering a box of SweetPotatoMayas to her shop, and, oh my goodness was it dangerous
. I confess - I love birds. I have a
major weakness for baby birds. Puppies? Eh... But baby birds?? Come to Mama!!
I had the pleasure of meeting 'Sophie', a very friendly Macaw. She grabbed my finger, got on my hand, crawled up my arm and made herself at home on my shoulder. Then, very gently, she gave me a 'honk-honk' on the nose! I was tickled. Literally.
Sophie on my shoulder :) |
I had a java finch as a childhood pet - she flew around the house freely or hung out with me perched on my head or shoulder, and went into her bird cage in my room at night time. I got her when she was about 12-16 weeks old, and hand-fed her and raised her. She joined us at the dinner table quite often, picking up food she wanted, and drinking milk or water out of the edge of my cup.
I know what you're thinking.
But what about the bird poop? Didn't it poop all over the place? That's so gross! And the answer is yes. Of course she pooped. What's the big deal? -
'Everyone Poops'. You know how you love your baby to pieces, and changing your baby's messy diaper doesn't bother you? Well, it was the same thing for me with my soft feathery friend ;)
there's me at the table with a bird... |
Please don't turn me into the Agricultural Department, or the TSA, but when I was 12 and moved from Japan to the U.S., I put my little finch in a cloth bag, put her under my sweatshirt, and got on the plane. She stayed in there, and chirped sometimes but it was so loud in the cabin that only I could hear her. I remember it feeling very tense and secret mission-like. I took her to the lavatory many times to let her drink water too. Once inside the lavatory, I would take her out of the bag so she could stretch. And I filled a bottle cap with water for her to drink out of. She drank A LOT. I realized the dehydration on the plane was the same for animals, as it was for humans. But I remember being worried because she wouldn't eat. All she wanted to do was drink. What did I know as a 12 year-old girl? Anyway, she made it with me all the way to the States, and lived 5 more wonderful years. I should probably take this opportunity to say a very long overdue thanks to my mother, for helping me smuggle her in - holy crap that must have been the longest flight of her life.
Hmmmm. I sort of got off subject there...sorry about that!
Anyway, Sophie was super fun, and her sweet friendly disposition just made my day. Clearly, it brought back some memories O_o! I wish I could have stayed at the store longer. Thank you so much Beverly, it was really nice meeting you and Sophie, and I hope you enjoyed the SweetPotatoMayas!