I wish I could say I did it for Halloween - something fun and special. "Radio active sweet potatoes from Smallville". Nope. Nothing like that.
Everything is okay. It's still the same SweetPotatoMayas, and I'm so sorry to have worried you!
It happens to be the color of the potatoes I got this time around. I am still using the same sweet potatoes, from the same vendor, that get their sweet potatoes from the same farm. (My dream is to one day cut out the middle man and get it directly from the farm!) Some come out really bright yellow, some come out rather transparent yellow, with a greenish tint. I'm thinking it has to do with the amount of water inside the potatoes. Some seem to be packed with water, and turn out super 'gelly' at the pre-baking stage. Some are more dry, and they turn out a little more on the starchy side with a chalky yellowy hue. But I'm using the same recipe, and making them the same way.
I could make them look the same, but the only way to do that is to use artificial color, flavoring, and preservatives. I would have to add all those chemicals on my ingredient list, that I don't even know how to pronounce. And if I were to use those chemicals, I would have to learn about them and figure out how to use them - and quite frankly, I'm too much of a lazy ass for that.
So I hope this helps, that the greenish color is normal. Just our sweet baby pies having a little personality of their own. Like how each vegetable in your garden has it's unique characteristics, and are never the same. A friend told me once, that there is not one sunset that is ever the same. I think that is so beautiful :)
So thanks for asking friends, and happy food-tidings!